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time:2021-07-07 source:ZJ Lighting Views:122

Chemical facry lighting design | How  choose lamps

  Most of the chemical plants are flammable and explosive places with corrosive environments, which are more specific than conventional plants. The lighting design of chemical plants directly affects many issues such as production safety, labor productivity, product quality and labor hygiene.

  The establishment of chemical production equipment is developing wards integration and open air. The outdoor environment is affected by wind, rain, ice, snow, sun, sand, dust and living things. Moreover, the outdoor temperature difference is large, which is easy  produce condensation; at the same time, the reaction material medium in most chemical production equipment is flammable, explosive and corrosive. These conditions often exist at the same time, and all these harsh conditions require Chemical lighting fixtures have higher resistance  environmental impact than ordinary lighting fixtures in terms of structural design, insulation system, protection level and surface treatment.

  The lighting equipment commonly used in chemical production equipment is explosion-proof and anti-corrosion type. Therefore, in the lighting distribution design of chemical production equipment, the selected lighting fixtures should be selected according  environmental characteristics and suitable for explosion-proof and anti-corrosion, and meet the requirements of protection level. .

  chemical works

  ----------Lighting method-----------

  The lighting methods of chemical plants are divided in general lighting, mixed lighting and local lighting. The principles of its application shall comply with the following provisions:

  General lighting refers  the uniform lighting set up  illuminate the entire place. Specifically, it refers  the lighting of the entire indoor and outdoor places, most workplaces, or the lighting of places that are not suitable for installing local lighting and mixed lighting. General lighting should be Even lighting.

  Generally, general lighting should be installed in the workplace; when different areas in the same place have different illuminance requirements, general lighting by partition should be adopted.

  Mixed lighting refers  lighting composed of general lighting and local lighting. For places where the illuminance requirements of some working surfaces are high and only general lighting is unreasonable, mixed lighting should be adopted;

  Local lighting refers  the lighting that needs  be enhanced in the local workplace, the lighting on the work surface that requires the lighting direction, or the lighting of the local workplace where the general lighting does not meet the production requirements. Only local lighting should be installed in a workplace.

  chemical works

  ----------Lighting type-----------

  Chemical plant lighting types are divided in: normal lighting, emergency lighting, maintenance lighting, security lighting, obstacle lighting, road lighting...Among them, emergency lighting includes standby lighting, safety lighting and evacuation lighting.

  The following focuses on normal lighting, emergency lighting and road lighting:

  1) Normal lighting:

  Workplaces should be equipped with normal lighting suitable for environmental characteristics in order  maintain an appropriate level of illuminance and ensure that regular production operations can be carried out safely. Normal lighting should be set up in all indoor and outdoor places where people work and activities. Normal lighting should provide uniform lighting for each device area; the normal lighting of the process control room and the electrical control room should adopt anti-glare design lighting fixtures, and special attention should be paid  ensure uniform lighting, avoiding the control panel and display (CRT) Shadows or light reflections appear.

  2) Emergency lighting:

  Emergency lighting should be installed in places where it is necessary  temporarily continue  work, monir the work surface, evacuate personnel, and exit safety instructions after the normal lighting is extinguished due  a failure.

  Emergency lighting should be installed in the following situations in the workplace:

  ① After the normal lighting is extinguished due  a failure, it is necessary  ensure that normal work or activities continue  be carried out. For example, when the normal lighting is extinguished due  a failure, a place that may cause serious accidents such as explosion, fire, personal injury and death, or sp Lighting for continuing work in places where work will cause a great impact or economic loss, or lighting  ensure the normal progress of firefighting in the event of a fire.

  ② After the normal lighting is extinguished due  a malfunction, it is necessary  ensure the safety of people in potential danger, and safety lighting should be installed, such as the use of circular saws and other workplaces;

  ③ After the normal lighting is extinguished due  a fault, the exits and passages for the safe evacuation of personnel shall be ensured, and evacuation lighting shall be provided. For example, the evacuation sign lights that indicate the exit location and the direction of the escape route set at the exits and passages, and the lighting installed  illuminate the evacuation passages.

  ④ Emergency lighting includes backup lighting, safety lighting and evacuation lighting. However, in the lighting design of chemical installation areas, it is sometimes difficult  distinguish the difference between backup lighting, safety lighting and evacuation lighting. Control room, substation and power distribution room, self-contained power station, power station, fire control room and fire alarm butn, diesel generar room, on-site instrument panel, pump area, near eyewash, important valves or instruments Emergency lighting should be installed at places, important operating positions, etc., and when the normal lighting fails, for safety reasons,  ensure the operation of the device or the place required for safe parking.

  3) Road lighting:

  The street lamps used for road lighting should be clock-controlled street lamps, which will aumatically turn on and off.

  In the lighting design of petrochemical enterprises, the laws, regulations and technical and economic policies of the country should be implemented; safe, applicable and effective lighting systems should be provided through lighting design, and create good products that are conducive  personal safety, production safety, and improve product quality and labor productivity. Production and working environment; ensure safe use, energy saving, advanced technology, reasonable economy, and convenient maintenance and management.

  chemical works

  ----------The choice of lamps----------

  1) LED T8 tubes should be used in places where the installation height of lamps is low.

  2) For places where the installation height of the lamps is high and not easy  maintain, it is suitable  use LED high bay lamps or floodlights.

  3) LED explosion-proof lights should be used in special places.

  4) Emergency lighting fixtures should be used in areas that require emergency lighting.

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