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time:2021-07-07 source:ZJ Lighting Views:245

  Small knowledge of stadium lighting design

  The functional requirements of sports lighting are very high. In particular, sports stadiums with TV broadcasts have higher requirements for lighting. High illuminance, high uniformity, and high light source color rendering in stadiums require good lighting. In addition  products, reasonable horse track settings and high-level lighting design, high power consumption comes along with it.

  A large number of actual surveys have shown that, due  the unreasonable design of the position of the horse track, that is, the installation height of the lamps, it not only directly affects various lighting technical indicars, but also causes a large amount of waste of electric energy. This article will analyze various technical indicars of lighting design and the main facrs affecting lighting power density through actual surveys of a large number of stadiums, so as  provide a reference for lighting designers in the lighting design of stadiums.

  1. The number and functional level of venues

  Among the competition venues surveyed by actual measurement, most are outdoor stadiums and comprehensive stadiums. The number of venues with functional level V is slightly higher than that of level IV and VI, as shown in Table 1.

  1.2. Lamp installation height and function level

  According  the statistical results of the installation height of the lamps, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  (1) The number of stadium lighting installation heights between 40m≤h<50m accounts for 45.7% of the tal number of various heights, which means that almost half of the existing stadium lighting installation heights are between 40m-50m; The number of lighting installation heights of tennis halls and swimming pools between 15m≤h<25m accounts for more than 60% of the tal number of various heights, which means that the lighting installation heights of gymnasiums are generally between 15m and 25m.

  (2) Generally speaking, when the height of the lamps is low, the probability of appearance in the low-level (Ⅳ) competition venues is greater; when the height of the lamps is o high, the probability of appearance in the high-level (VI) competition venues is o large, because the high level refers  Major events, high-definition television broadcasts, stadiums and stadiums can accommodate a large number of seats and a large volume, and the position of the horse track (lighting installation height) will be increased accordingly. The installation height range of the luminaire and the relationship with the sports grade are shown in Table 2~Table 3:

  Note: The height of the lamp is the height of the horse track, whichever is the highest height of the horse track.

  2. Statistical data error analysis and data selection

  In the data of more than 900 venues surveyed by actual measurement, due  various reasons, such as unreasonable location of horse tracks, improper selection of lighting distribution, and serious occlusion of building structures, some data have a large discreteness. According  statistical principles, according  the error Theory chooses data.

  3. Reasonable error range allowed by statistics

  Error probability distribution: When the error of the statistical value is within the range of ±0.6745 (standard error), the probability is 50%; when the error is within the range of ±2, the probability is 95%; when the error is within the range of ±3, the probability is 99.7% ; The probability that the error appears outside the range of ±3 is only 0.3%.

  In the limited statistical data, the probability error 3  5 is generally selected as the reasonable error range or the maximum statistically allowable probability error.

  3.1. How  choose suspicious statistical values

  Usually in a set of statistical values, it is found that a certain statistical value is very different from the other statistical values. If this value is retained, it will have a great impact on the average value and the probability error. If there is no sufficient reason, only It is correct  determine the value of the choice according  the error theory. The steps  decide the data choice are as follows:

  (1) Calculate the arithmetic average and the probability error of a single value, and all suspicious data should be included in the calculation;

  (2) Calculate the ratio of the suspicious larger deviation  the probability error;

  (3) According  the number of statistics listed in Table 4 (n) and the ratio of the corresponding deviation d  the probability error y (), determine the choice of data;

  (4) If the statistical value of is greater than in the table, this statistical value can be discarded.

  The above numerical rejection rule is simplified according  the Chauvenet numerical rejection standard.

  According  the above principles, the data of the actual survey was processed, and individual suspicious values ??with large discreteness were discarded.

  4. Analysis of actual survey results

  The actual survey results show that: for most stadiums, due  the use of high-performance light sources and lighting products, which have the characteristics of high efficiency, environmental protection, energy saving, and long life, plus high-level lighting design, all technical indicars are basically Can reach

  4.1. Lighting indicars and lighting energy saving

  (1) Illumination and illuminance uniformity are important indicars in lighting design, as well as the main content of lighting inspection, especially TV broadcasting has high requirements for the vertical illuminance and illuminance uniformity in the direction of the camera. When the site building conditions ( When the horse track is o short or o close  the venue) or other conditions (the athletes cannot place lights in front of them) are restricted, this indicar is difficult  achieve. Practice has proved that the position of the light pole and the horse track is particularly important for the implementation of the lighting scheme, so in the architectural design Should be paid attention ;

  (2) Illuminance ratio: refers  the ratio of the average horizontal illuminance  the average vertical illuminance. When there is no TV broadcast, the horizontal illuminance value has specific regulations. When there is a TV broadcast requirement, the standard only stipulates a range of the horizontal illuminance value, that is, the average horizontal illuminance. It is 0.75  1.5 times the average vertical illuminance. The value of the vertical illuminance is mainly determined by the type of camera and the requirements of TV broadcasting. The ratio of the horizontal illuminance  the vertical illuminance is mainly  ensure the overall lighting effect and the three-dimensional sense of lighting.

  It is sometimes difficult  control this index, especially when it is restricted by the conditions of the site and the horse track. It is often necessary  increase the horizontal illuminance  increase the vertical illuminance value, causing the ratio  be o large, which will not only affect the lighting quality, but also Greatly increase the lighting power and cause energy waste. Through reasonable lighting design, effectively controlling this indicar within the specified range is of great significance  improving the quality of lighting and saving electric energy. The illuminance ratio obtained from the survey results is shown in Table 5.

  The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) and the International Sports Federation (GAISF) stipulate that the ratio of the average horizontal illuminance  the average vertical illuminance is between 0.5 and 2.0, and the International Broadcasting Service (OBS) stipulates that the ratio of the main competition area (PA) is 0.75~ 1.5. The ratio of the tal competition area (TA) is 0.5~2.0. According  the statistics of the actual survey of Chinese stadiums by the establishment group, the ratio of the horizontal illuminance  the vertical illuminance of the stadium is fixed at 0.75~1.8; the ratio of the stadium is fixed at 1.0~ It is more reasonable between 2.0, which is more conducive  energ