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time:2021-07-07 source:ZJ Lighting Views:250

Forecast of the development prospects of LED street lights

  The number of global LED street lamp installations will increase four times in the next 5 years.

  LED lighting takes off this year, and one of the major kinetic energy is the replacement of street lights. In terms of Everlight, which won 100,000 street lamps in Taiwan last year, its revenue is NT$800 million; it is estimated that the number of street lamps installed in the world will increase fourfold in the next five years, including Europe, the United States, and the medium. The policy encourages the installation of LED street lights, but the most potential is still emerging markets such as Southeast Asia and West Asia.

  Hu Zhining, chairman of the LED lighting brand Shiming Optics, said that governments around the world are aware of the energy-saving effect of LED street lights and "save electricity bills immediately after installation", and they have adopted policies  promote them. Take the United States as an example. Under the "Recovery and Investment Act (ARRA)", both LED road lighting projects are subsidized and the use of locally manufactured products in the United States is also encouraged. According  LEDinside data, as of the end of 2013, 600 cities in the United States have prepared or have installed LED street lights. Among them, New York City announced that it will replace 250,000 LED street lights by 2017, saving US$14 million in electricity and maintenance costs each year. It is estimated that 6 Pay back every year.

  In Europe, there are 20/20/20 carbon reduction and energy saving targets, which are implemented by each country. For example, the London City Government recently announced that 35,000 LED street lights will be replaced by 2016, and the penetration rate will approach 70%.

  In 2020, the market share will increase by 60%.

  The LED market is at a critical point, and white LEDs for outdoor lighting are in the early stages of the process curve. The market share is increasing rapidly, and the market share is expected  increase by 60% in 2020. A recent report by the International Labor Organization (ILO) concluded that the green economy can create about 6 million jobs. The Climate Group and its partners call on the government  accelerate the large-scale use of urban LEDs and immediately start investing  realize capitalization in order  create a large number of high-value jobs around the world.

  LED street lights usher in a tide of replacements after 10 years, the replacement rate exceeds 90%

  According  a research report on smart street lights by Navigant, it is predicted that by 2023, about 93.8% of global street lights will be LEDs. day, this figure has just exceeded 53%. The global LED outdoor lighting will usher in a wave of replacement from 2014  2017. The global popularity of LED street lights is due  the global promotion of energy saving, price drops and technological upgrades of LED street lights. However, due  the continued erosion of LED prices and the decline in the replacement rate of LED products, the overall income of street lighting will begin  decline after a period of time. Navigant predicts that global street lighting revenue in 2023 will drop from US$2.5 billion in 2014  US$2.3 billion. 2014  2017 will be a period of global LED outdoor lighting replacement trend.

  Since 2014, the global LED outdoor lighting change-up tide has accelerated. A tal of more than 600 cities in the United States are planning LED street lamp replacement plans. Among them, New York will replace 250,000 street lamps in the city in 2017. Later, the decorative lighting lamps in the city's commercial districts will be replaced with LED lamps. This will be the largest in North America. LED street lamp replacement plan. In addition, Europe, China, and Japan all have different levels of refurbishment actions, and the compound annual growth rate of LED outdoor lighting from 2014  2017 exceeded 20%.

  Other emerging market countries, such as Thailand, Russia, Latin America, and Africa, will also usher in a large-scale street lamp replacement wave in 2014. Until 2015, the penetration rate of LED street lamps gradually flattened, and the growth rate began  decline. The scale of LED street lamp replacement and new LED street lamps every year around the world will remain at about 10 million lamps per year.