Because of its low power consumption, high luminous efficiency, long life, energy saving and environmental protection, LED ...
2021-07-07[Technology] Talking about the requirements of basketball court lighting standards and the way of lighting The lighting of s...
2021-07-07Design standards and lighting requirements of LED street lights The difference between LED street lights and conventional ...
2021-07-07Design method for height and spacing of LED street light poles The average illuminance of the road surface is one of the e...
2021-07-07The most comprehensive sports lighting guide, come and get it soon! In badminn, the ball is small and fast, and the requir...
2021-07-07As a public transportation building, the subway cannot be allowed have problems, because once a problem occurs, it is...
2021-07-07Why are there lights on city roads, but no street lights on highways? Road lighting is very important for driving at night...
2021-07-07Illumination value and design requirements of golf course lighting 1. Design requirements for golf course lighting 1. Lig...