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time:2021-07-07 source:ZJ Lighting Views:192

  Intelligent lighting solution for production workshop assembly line lighting

  Electricity is the most basic power demand of facries and enterprises. The quality of lighting has a direct relationship with production safety, labor productivity, product quality and labor hygiene. Most modern production workshops use a combination of natural daylight lighting and artificial lighting. Different illuminance configurations are required according  the work shift system (day shift, middle shift, night shift).

  The workshop is a production center. Many characteristics such as its tall structure, high hanging lamps, large lighting space, and a large number of lamps determine its lighting needs. The current lighting energy-saving evaluation index is measured by lighting power density (LPD), and the actual calculated lighting power density value should meet the requirements of the "Architectural Lighting Design Standard" (GB50034). The main ways  save energy in facry lighting include: one is  vigorously adopt high-efficiency and energy-saving electric light sources and their lighting electrical accessories; the other is  select high-efficiency and reasonable light distribution lamps; the third is  intelligently control the lighting system in a scientific and reasonable way; the fourth is  be good The schedule  maintain and manage habits. For newly-built facries or facries with reasonable arrangement of lighting fixtures and high-efficiency light sources, in order  facilitate management and further reduce facry energy consumption, it is mainly necessary  consider the reasonable control of the lighting system and daily maintenance management.

  1. Four benefits of intelligent lighting control system

  1. Intelligent control is simpler

  The intelligent lighting control system is adopted  make the lighting system work in a fully aumatic state. The system works according  the preset lighting modes such as opening, duty, cleaning, and security. These lighting modes will aumatically switch  each other according  the preset time .

  2. Improve management and reduce maintenance costs

  The museum building area is generally large and manual maintenance is cumbersome. The application of intelligent lighting control system converts the artificial opening and closing of ordinary lighting in intelligent management, so that managers can apply their high-quality management awareness  the lighting control system. , While greatly reducing the operation and maintenance costs in the museum.

  3. Considerable energy saving effect

  The intelligent lighting control system uses advanced power electronic technology  intelligently dim the lamps in the control area. When the outdoor light is strong, the indoor illuminance is aumatically dimmed, and when the outdoor light is weak, the indoor illuminance is aumatically dimmed. The indoor illuminance is always kept near a constant value, so that natural light can be fully utilized  achieve the purpose of energy saving. In addition, the intelligent lighting management system adopts methods such as setting the lighting working status, and avoids the phenomenon of "changing lights" in the lighting area through intelligent aumatic management. Unused lighting scenes can be activated according  the law of lighting use, and the lighting can also be adjusted by dimming the lighting. The light does not need  be used at full load, and it achieves a good illuminance effect, which greatly saves electricity.

  4. Protect lamps and extend their life

  Protecting lamps is actually a way  save energy. The fatal cause of lamp damage is mainly high voltage. The higher the working voltage, the life expectancy will be doubled. Therefore, appropriately reducing the working voltage of the lamp is an effective way  extend the life of the lamp. The Melanie control system can successfully suppress the impulse voltage and surge voltage of the power grid, so that the lamps will not be damaged prematurely due  the above-mentioned reasons. In addition, Melanie adopts soft start and soft shutdown technology  avoid the thermal shock of the filament and further extend the life of the lamp.

  Intelligent lighting systems can generally extend the life of lamps by 2  4 times, which not only saves a large number of lamps, but also greatly reduces the workload of replacing lamps and effectively reduces the operating costs of the lighting system.

  2. Demand analysis and solutions

  According  the above-mentioned characteristics of the lighting system in our facry, and based on the usage characteristics of its different functional areas, analyze its functional requirements for the lighting control system as follows:

  1. In the inflatable cabinet workshop, because of the ceiling height limitation of the workshop, most of the deep illumination lamps are used, and the starting current of the lamps is relatively large, the power is 400W, and the general low current control equipment cannot meet the load requirements;

  Solution: Use 16A relays  correspond  high-power lamps. At the same time, the relays have the characteristics of bi-state stability, mechanical self-locking, etc., and durable marshalled copper wires can meet the control needs of high-power lighting lamps.

  2. For precision production facries, due  the high level of dustproof requirements, lighting distribution boxes are mostly set in areas outside the workshop. If there is no effective on-site control method, it is very inconvenient  manage;

  Solution: For precision processing facries with high dustproof levels, lighting switches are often not installed in the workshop, and the entrance and exit of disinfection and dust removal in some workshops are not at the same position, because in order  control the indoor lighting fixtures more conveniently, it needs  be at the entrance and exit. Set the control switch in multiple positions, and realize the effect of centralized control. Using traditional lighting control, if you want  achieve multi-point control and centralized control, you need  lay a large number of strong current cables and increase investment. You can consider using an intelligent lighting control system  connect switches in all positions through a 4-core signal line  reduce strong current wiring and easily achieve multi-point and centralized control. It is convenient for the daily production management of the facry.

  3. The facry is prone  flammable substances, so the safety and fire protection requirements are higher. Therefore, the control of the lighting system can not use a simple shutter method.

  Professional control system;

  Solution: In traditional lighting control, because most facries have a large plant area and a large number of lamps, they often use extensive switches  control lamp switches. When the load power is large, or the environmental temperature and humidity are affected, this kind of switch method is often prone  arcing, and it is easy  have small sparks. For workshops with high safety levels or stacked with flammable materials It is easy  cause fire. The intelligent lighting control system controls the strong current in the distribution box through the 24V weak current signal line, so the field is safe voltage and will not cause fire hazards. At the same time, the safety voltage of the human body is 36V, so the control voltage of the intelligent lighting control system is much less than 36V, which belongs  the weak current control, so there is no danger of electric shock.

  4. According  the facry's work and rest time, an aumatic control system is required  facilitate the facry's work and rest management and save electricity;

  Solution:  meet the facry's demand for lighting control according  schedule. The lighting circuit of the facry can be connected  the intelligent lighting control system, and then according  the light usage law of the facry on and off, the preset lighting scenes can be activated at different time periods, and the corresponding lighting scenes at different time periods can be preset on a weekly cycle. Therefore, the management of the lighting circuit during working hours can be realized  the maximum and humane.

  5. Due  the large area of ??the fac