time:2021-07-07 source:ZJ Lighting Views:171
Detailed explanation of explosion-proof certification, here is what you want know
Explosion-proof certification refers the work used determine that the equipment meets the requirements of explosion-proof standards, type tests and adaptive routine tests, and issue relevant certificates of conformity. The explosion-proof certification can be for Ex equipment or Ex components.
Explosion-proof certification requirements for companies: companies applying for product certification need pass ISO9000 series certification before they can apply.
National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion-proof Electrical Products (CQST)
The National Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Agency authorized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China and the National Safety Production Inspection and Inspection Agency authorized by the State Administration of Work Safety. It is accredited by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and China National Certification and Accreditation The only National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion-proof Electrical Products authorized by the Supervision and Administration Commission (CNCA). It is also an import and export explosion-proof electrical product verification and testing agency accredited by the National Import and Export Commodity Inspection Laborary Accreditation Committee.
National Explosion-Proof Safety Supervision and Inspection Station for Instruments (NEPSI)
The National Supervision and Inspection Station for Explosion-Proof Safety of Instruments and Meters (NEPSI) is a technical organization authorized by the state specialize in explosion-proof basic technology research and explosion-proof testing, product certification, and explosion-proof safety inspection and evaluation of engineering projects.
China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Electrical Products Explosion-proof Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (PCEC)
China's explosion-proof electrical inspection agency PCEC is the National Safety Production Tianjin Explosion-proof Electrical Inspection and Inspection Center, the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Electrical Products Explosion-proof Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, and the Electrical Safety Inspection and Research Laborary of Tianjin Chemical Research and Design Institute of CNOOC Ltd. CNAS), International Electrotechnical Commission's Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment Standard Certification System (IECEx Scheme), International Laborary Accreditation Cooperation (ilac), China Classification Society (CCS), authorized by the State Administration of Work Safety and China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association The electrical explosion-proof, atmospheric environment, marine electrical products and mor type testing and inspection research laboraries are administratively affiliated China National Offshore Oil Corporation.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the rapid development of my country's petroleum, chemical, mining and other industries, lighting fixtures have been used more and more widely in production, srage, and rescue, and there are more and more varieties. How prevent accidental explosion of lighting fixtures in explosive gas dangerous places is particularly important. Therefore, the use of explosion-proof lamps certified by the national certification body in flammable and explosive environments is getting more and more attention.
1. What parts of my country's explosion-proof mark consist of? Explain their meaning separately?
Answer The explosion-proof mark generally consists of the following 6 parts:
①The explosion-proof mark EX-indicates that the equipment is explosion-proof electrical equipment;
② Explosion-proof structure form—indicate what measures the equipment adopts for explosion-proof, such as d is an explosion-proof type, p is a positive pressure type; i is an intrinsically safe type, etc.;
③Category of explosion-proof equipment—divided in two categories, I is the electrical equipment used in coal mines, and II is the electrical equipment used in facries;
④Explosion-proof level—divided in three levels: A, B, and C, indicating the strength of its explosion-proof capability;
⑤Temperature group—divided in six groups T1~T6, indicating the maximum allowable surface temperature of the equipment.
⑥Equipment protection level Ga, Gb, Gc three levels.
2. The explosion-proof mark of an instrument is EXdIIBT4 Gb, please explain its meaning.
Answer EX——general explosion-proof mark;
d——Structural form, flameproof type;
II——Category, facry use;
B-explosion-proof level, B level
T4——Temperature group, T4 group, the highest surface temperature ≤135℃.
Gb——Equipment protection level Gb.
3. The explosion-proof mark of a polyester power junction box is EXedIICT4Gb, please explain its meaning.
Answer EX——general explosion-proof mark;
ed——Structural form, e: Increased safety type, d: Flameproof type;
II——Category, facry use;
C-explosion-proof level, C level
T4——Temperature group, T4 group, maximum surface temperature≤135℃.
Gb——Equipment protection level Gb.
4. The explosion-proof mark of an imported gas chromagraph is EEXdps IIB+H2T4, please explain its meaning.
Answer EEX-European Community General Explosion-proof Mark;
dps——The instrument adopts three explosion-proof measures: explosion-proof, positive pressure, and special;
II——Electrical equipment for facry;
B-explosion-proof level, B level
+ H2——It is also applicable H2 places (B-level explosion-proof is not applicable H2. The instrument can also be used in H2 places due the adoption of various explosion-proof measures);
T4——The highest surface temperature rise is ≤135℃.
5. The explosion-proof mark of a Japanese instrument is JISia3Ng4, please explain its meaning.
Answer JIS-Japanese Industrial Standard Code;
ia——Intrinsically safe explosion-proof, ia level;
3n——The explosion-proof grade is 3n, which can prevent all explosive gases at level 3, which is equivalent my country's IIC;
G4——Temperature group, equivalent T4 in my country.
Explanation JISia3nG4 is the explosion-proof mark originally adopted in Japan. Now Japan has adopted the IEC standard, the above-mentioned explosion-proof mark is now marked as JI**iaIICT4.
6. The explosion-proof mark of an imported instrument is Class1, Division1, GroupB, C, D, T4A, please explain its meaning.
Answer Class 1-1, flammable gas or vapor place;
Division 1-1 zone, where there is or may form an explosion or burning place;
Group B, C, D—applicable places where dangerous gases of groups B, C, and D exist;
T4A—The highest surface temperature is less than or equal 120°C.
The above explosion-proof signs correspond my country's EXIIA, IIB, IICT4, and can be used in hazardous locations in Zone 0 and Zone 1. But it should be noted that this table cannot be used in acetylene locations.
7. The explosion-proof mark of an imported instrument is as follows, please explain its meaning.
UL/FM/CSA Class1, GroupB, C, D, T5
Class3, GroupE, F, T5
Answer UL——U.S. Insurance High Laborary;
FM-American Facry Joint Research Association;
CSA-Canadian Standards Association;
CENELEC-European Electrotechnical Commission.
It shows that the explosion-proof performance of this instrument has been tested and approved by UL, FM, CSA, and CENELEC.
Class1, GroupB, C, D, T5-applicable the combustible gases of Group B, C, D specified by NEC, surface temperature ≤100℃.
Class2, GroupE, F, T5 are suitable for the E and F group dust specified by NEC, and the surface temperature is ≤100℃.
EEXedIICT5—Comply with EN standard (EN is the European Community standard code, its explosion-proof standard is equivalent IEC), facry-used explosion-proof instrument, increased safety, explosion-proof type, explosion-proof grade C, maximum surface temperature ≤100℃.
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