With the advent of the digital age, various new media forms continue to emerge in the advertising market, and LCD media is a ...
2021-08-31We know that the installation of LCD splicing screen is actually a relatively cumbersome process, and the entire LCD splicing...
2021-08-31Let us have a comprehensive understanding about the functional difference between LCD advertising machine and LCD TV.LCD adve...
2021-08-31With the advancement and development of technology, people’s requirements for outdoor advertising carriers...
2021-08-30After more than ten years of rapid development, the domestic LED display industry has now entered a bottleneck period. The ov...
2021-08-30Although the theoretical life of the LED display is 100,000 hours, it can work for more than 11 years based on 24 hour...
2021-08-30At present, the application of LED display has penetrated into all areas of our life and work. It can be seen in large superm...
2021-08-30Nowadays, LED display screens are widely used in various places and become an important carrier of visual display. However, d...