time:2021-07-07 source:ZJ Lighting Views:217
Talking about urban lighting control
1. Outdoor lighting control
1. The development of outdoor lighting control
Outdoor lighting is an important urban infrastructure. After nearly 30 years of development, my country’s outdoor lighting control technology has evolved from simple radio technology in the past day’s network communication technology. The system gradually evolved the "five remote" system of "remote control, remote measurement, remote signaling, remote viewing, and remote adjustment." Outdoor lighting control has been integrated in the Internet and mobile communication networks. Through GPRS general packet wireless service technology, outdoor lighting control has entered a new period of vigorous development.
2. Lighting control classification
①Single lamp control: control each lighting lamp, mostly used in street lamp dimming control;
②Group control: control by taking the same circuit connected the lighting lamp as a group, or connecting several lighting circuits in parallel as a group. It is mostly used in the control of street lights, tunnel lights, bridge lights, etc.;
③Area control: use the lighting in the functional area as an area for lighting control. It is mostly used in lighting control of landscape lighting, garden lighting, square lighting, stadium lighting, etc.;
④ Centralized control: unified control of a number of group-controlled and area-controlled lighting lights (such as street lights, landscape lights, etc.).
⑤Intelligent control: centralized control + "internet, GSM, GPRS" wireless communication technology realize "five remotes", the most advanced intelligent lighting control at present.
3. Outdoor lighting control method
Manual control: Manually adjust the potentiometer or switch directly transmit the control signal the dimmer. Can be continuously dimmed. Wide range of applications;
Power carrier control: The control signal is sent by the carrier transmitter, transmitted the carrier receiver via the power line, and converted in a corresponding signal, which is then sent the control appliance change the lamp power and realize dimming. It is mainly used in the lighting control of street lamps and other long lines.
Clock control, when the lamp is powered on, the timer starts count, and a certain value signal is output at a certain set time change the lamp power. Mainly used for timing dimming of street lights;
Phoelectric control: According phoelectric induction, according the brightness changes during the day and night, a certain value signal is output the phoelectric regular. Fixed power dimming, used for outdoor lighting, indoor lighting, industrial and mining lighting, agricultural lighting, etc.;
Far-infrared induction control: according the detected human body far-infrared change, a certain value signal is output the light modular. Fixed power dimming (single-level dimming). Used in supermarkets, warehouses, gas stations, parking lots, etc.
Aumatic control: According the pre-set program, realize the light timing control, dimming control, and energy saving control. Mainly used in large and medium-sized lighting projects and landscape and advertising lighting projects that require lighting changes.
Longitude and latitude control: Comprehensive use of power electronic technology, computer technology, communication technology and other high-tech technologies, according the time of the sun rising and setting throughout the year and the longitude and latitude of each place, it aumatically simulates the local sunshine law realize aumatic lighting equipment control. Mainly used in large-scale lighting projects such as regional lighting and urban lighting.
Internet: The Internet, also known as the Internet, is a huge network of networks and networks. It is a global network connected by computers that communicate with each other in a common language. When connected any node, the computer is connected the Internet.
Mobile Internet: Combine mobile communications and the Internet in one. Broad mobile Internet means that users can use mobile terminals such as mobile phones and notebooks access the Internet through procols; narrowly mobile Internet refers users who use mobile terminals access websites that use WAP technology through wireless communication, and are used in GSM, CDMA, TDMA, and 3G. And other networks.
Internet of Things: Connect all items the Internet through radio frequency identification and other information sensing equipment realize intelligent identification and management. The core and foundation of the Internet of Things is still the Internet, which is an extended and expanded network based on the Internet; its user end extends and extends any item and item for information exchange and communication. ...
WAP: It is a wireless application procol, a global network communication procol. WAP makes the mobile Internet have a universal standard, and its goal is introduce the rich information and advanced services of the Internet in wireless terminals such as mobile phones.
GSM: GSM is the abbreviation of Global System for Mobile communications. It is derived from European wireless communication technology and is currently a widely used mobile phone standard. The mobile and China Unicom networks we currently use are the GSM standard.
CDMA: Refers a spread-spectrum multiple access digital communication technology. Multi-channel signals occupy only one channel, which greatly improves bandwidth utilization. It is applied ultra-high frequency (UHF) mobile phone systems of 800MHz and 1.9GHz. Many countries, including China, have decided abandon CDMA in order give up frequency the 4G system.
GPRS: GPRS is the abbreviation of General Packet Radio Service Technology. It is a mobile data service available GSM mobile phone users and belongs the data transmission technology in the second generation of mobile communications. GPRS is the continuation of GSM. Used in the lighting control system, wireless "three remote" control of lighting equipment and facilities can be carried out.
Zigbee: It is a short-distance, low-complexity, low-power, low-data-rate, low-cost two-way wireless communication technology. It is mainly suitable for aumatic control and remote control. It can be embedded in various devices and supports geographic positioning functions. . It is a wireless data transmission network platform composed of up 65,000 wireless data transmission modules. In the entire network range, each Zigbee network data transmission module can communicate with each other, and the distance between each network node can be changed from the standard 75m expands its communication infinitely. The quality is better than carrier communication.
Intelligent lighting control: Apply computer technology and communication network technology intelligently control large and medium-sized and important lighting projects such as urban lighting. There are three basic transmission methods: wireless, wired and wireless, and wired hybrid. Take each intelligent control system as an independent system, adopt international standard communication interfaces and procols, and incorporate them in local area networks, urban network systems, or building control network systems. The computer and mobile phone of the moniring center can realize wireless communication with the moniring terminal through the Internet, mobile Internet, power carrier, etc., realize the "five remote" moniring of outdoor lighting.
Table-1 LED street light dimming street light controller
Note: This table is drawn based on the data of Pinneng Opelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
2. Existing communication and control of outdoor lighting
1. Communication and control method
Low-frequency traditional digital transmission station: building a transmission wer, limited coverage, applying for a dedicated frequency band, poor anti-interference;
Power carrier communication: Borrow street lamp power distribution lines, which has poor anti-interference and low reliability. Solar street lights without power distribution lines, wind-solar hybrid street lights, landscape lights, advertising lights, etc. cannot be used;